Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ragnarok vs Revelations

There are far too many similarities between the Ragnarok in Northern Mythology and Armageddon in the book of Revelations to be ignored. The following list represents some of the similarities I found while reading the Gylfaginning in the book EDDA (pp 54-56). :

- Sun is 'swallowed' up; people are puzzled/confused
- Moon and stars leave the sky-- sky turns black
- Great serpent rises out of the sea
- Dead rise up from the grave, from Hell
- Earth and mountains shake and nothing left unturned and ground swallowed by the sea
- Fire rains down from heaven to scorch the Earth
- Christ/Heimdal sounds the TRUMPET to signal the Ragnarok
- Great Battle between good and evil-- in a designated place/location
- After the Great Battle, a New Earth is formed and rises out of the sea
- A New Heaven is formed: New sun and New stars
- Man lives alongside the gods in peace and harmony on Earth

For those who closely monitor the 'End of Days' predictions, the Gylfaginning actually specifies when the Ragnarok will begin. It states that there will be "three long winters with no summer in between." One might assume these three long winters would occur in Northern Europe (Sweden, Denmark, Germany) and Iceland. Of course, the terms 'winter' and 'summer' could be used in a metaphorical sense as well.

In my mind, when the book of Revelations was negotiated at the Council of Nicea, the Pagan-Heathens obviously demanded that their Ragnarok be fully represented here. And one can only assume the Judeo-Christians were simply ready to call it a day.


  1. Well considering ragnarok came about in the Middle Ages and revelations was written in about 60 AD it's no wonder they are alike.... Also the council was in 325 Ad. Far before this mythos was coming to knowledge.

  2. christianity invented reevaluations after norse culture was assimilated. also reevaluations was a metaphor for the fall of rome

    1. Revelations was written a long, long, long time before the fall of Rome or Norse Culture

  3. There was NO CANONICAL NEGOTIATION on behalf of pagans happening at the Council of Nicea, least of all for what the contents of St. John's Apocalypse was to include, for that book was SEALED long ago (i.e. 22 chapters about 7 churches, get it?). You anti-Christ spirits simply refuse to accept the more obvious alternative -- which is that Revelation is a "CONFIRMATION" of what had once come before, and not a "compromise" with it.

    [ from ]

    There is no record of any discussion of the biblical canon at the council.[66] The development of the biblical canon took centuries, and was nearly complete (with exceptions known as the Antilegomena, written texts whose authenticity or value is disputed) by the time the Muratorian fragment was written.[67]

    In 331 Constantine commissioned fifty Bibles for the Church of Constantinople, but little else is known (in fact, it is not even certain whether his request was for fifty copies of the entire Old and New Testaments, only the New Testament, or merely the Gospels), but some scholars believe that this request provided motivation for canon lists. In Jerome's Prologue to Judith[68] he claims that the Book of Judith was "found by the Nicene Council to have been counted among the number of the Sacred Scriptures", which suggests that the Nicene Council did discuss what documents would number among the sacred scriptures.

  4. The Council of Nicea was not the body that decided the New Testament volumes rather the council convened to decide whether to add long existing Jewish texts to the testament of Jesus Christ... and because history claims the Middle Ages as the time the tale of ragnorak was made known to a larger community in Europe is in no way a definitive timeline for the existence of the take within the Northern European people...these people recorded their history for centuries by passing down the stories of Theo gods and creation and the origins of their race in the form or oral tradition...written script did not take root until the time of the romans and maybe the Greeks before them ...the runic alphabet we know it today (futhark)has no phonetic values and were simply visual representations of the vital and cosmic forces necessary for the many realms of reality and existence to be ....they were magical symbols used in spells and divination and were considered the keys to unlocking ultimate knowledge...the word “rune “ means mystery and they were mysterious and feared and revered and used ....the sagas are ripe with passages that elude to this understanding and usage of the runes ...we have too few precious written references to the European religions and much of what we do have was written by Christian authors to preserve the poetic meter used in the sagas NOT to preserve or honor the beliefs of a people going back in time immemorial and that likely changed either subtly or dramatically as the lives of the generations changed but I think (and it’s just my opinion and theory as a practitioner of the reconstructed Norse paganism religion)that it would be putting aside rational thought to think all of these cultures left a footprint the other but also plain silly bordering on dense to think a culture as ancient and rich as the Northern European tribes did not already have a end of days legend long before Jesus came to town...Just from looking at it in comparative theological study we know that every advanced and developed and developing culture had mythological explanations about the creation of the world and the origins of their people...and most of these also contained foretellings of the end of it all going back as far and farther as when the Hebrew people were polytheistic the echoes of which an be heard when the old testament writings are read in Hebrew with a linguistic understanding of the nuances of the language which actually puts many aspects of the scriptures on direct conflict with the horrible translations and interpretations made by the layer emerging “stewards of the church”325 AD was as you say before this mythos was commonly known but certainty not before its centuries old existence and well solidified position amongst Germanic tribal factions

  5. The story of Ragnarok existed long before the story of Jesus

  6. The only reason for debate here is to deny the God of the Bible’s existence Trying to turn Christianity into myth and Folktale

    The final Book of the Bible was written between 60_95AD. Nothing in the Bible was written after the 1st Century. The Book of Revelations. Norse Mythology was not a contemporary of Roman or Greek Mythology Norse Mythology did not start until 900ad. With the Epic containing Ragnarok written in 12th_13th AD. Over a thousand years after the book of Revelations in the Bible

    Check any source Norse Mythology started about 800 years after the Bible

  7. Stop arguing over the pieces of the human puzzle and put the puzzle together. Revelation, apocalypse means "revelation." It describes a "ragnarok" of sorts, and so does the Hindu Yuga Cycle. The Bible is a tool, in the wrong hands you get Lies, in the right hands it is revealing. Unfortunately, clergy is a top 10 job for psychopaths (serpents).

    Jesus is just one name used for a long tradition of God coming to Earth to walk among the people. There were others before him, but likely there won't be others. Humans are just fine accepting "satan" and the ways of his offspring (Genesis 3:15). They prefer chaos, war, poverty, evil and corruption in their leaders over Love. Fear, anger, and hate keep them from loving and ensures their egos respond instead of their hearts. Ego and pursuits of the ego are preferred to pursuing Love and a better world. Consumerism is greater than faith, and faith is currently an egotistical endeavor that destroys Truth and Love. Anyone can say they believe and they have faith, but if more people truly Loved the world would already be a better place.

    If you can't see the similarities in Odin, Zeus, Jupiter, Indra, and "God" which is merely a title... "Satan" is a title, a description and in Hebrew it was lowercase. "Serpent" is an allegory and they have many names - Jorgumandr (Norse), Vritra (Hindu), Typhon, Apophis, etc. You aren't trying to put the puzzle together, you are arguing over the puzzle pieces. The Council of Nicea is irrelevant to centuries of stories that all tell very similar tales.

    Good luck humanity.

  8. Is it possible the Ragnarok mythos is the same story told from the perspective of the old Pantheon, The Watchers? Its just unsettling how similar this particular end is to Revelations.
